The Surfrider Foundation

The Surfrider Foundation is an environmental organization focused on protecting oceans, waves, and beaches. Their Beach Cleanup Program runs throughout the year, and they often partner with local chapters and volunteers to keep coastlines clean. 

Click HERE to find upcoming events and clean-ups near you!



Heal the Bay

Based in California, Heal the Bay works to protect Southern California’s coastal waters and beaches. They host regular beach cleanups in the Los Angeles area and provide educational outreach to help prevent future pollution.

Click HERE to find upcoming clean-ups near you!


Ocean Concervancy

Ocean Conservancy is a leading organization dedicated to the protection of the ocean and its wildlife. Its flagship program, the International Coastal Cleanup, mobilizes millions of volunteers worldwide to clean beaches and collect data on ocean debris.

4 Ocean

4Ocean is a social enterprise that actively conducts ocean cleanups and focuses on removing plastic from oceans and coastlines. They fund these operations by selling bracelets made from recycled ocean plastic, with the proceeds supporting their cleanup efforts.

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Plastic Pollution Coalition is a non-profit communications and advocacy organization that collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts.

Click HERE to see their upcoming events!

The Ocean Cleanup

The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. To achieve this objective, they use a dual strategy: intercepting plastic in rivers to cut the inflow of pollution, and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean and won’t go away by itself.

HERE is a great video discussing everything we know about ocean plastic pollution so far.