Welcome to Cleaner Earth, your one-stop resource for discovering the environmental and community benefits of beach clean-ups. This website will provide you with everything you need to get involved, from educational resources about the impact of beach pollution to information about where you can find and join local clean-up events. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or new to the cause, we're here to help you make a difference.
Beach clean-ups not only help remove harmful waste from our shorelines, protecting marine life and ecosystems, but also foster a sense of community and environmental stewardship.
There is an estimated 11 million metric tons of plastic entering the ocean each year, the equivalent of one garbage truck load per minute, over time, plastics break down into tiny particles that are nearly impossible to remove from the water, and these microplastics are making their way up the food chain, affecting not just wildlife, but humans as well.
From microplastics contaminating the water to large debris entangling sea creatures, the impact is devastating. Marine animals, such as turtles, whales, and seabirds, often mistake plastic for food, leading to injury, starvation, and death.
The first step to reducing plastic waste is to stop using wasteful plastic.
Single-use plastic items represent an estimated 50% of marine litter.
Here are some good reasons to remove single-use plastic from your life.
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